Thursday, September 8, 2016

CSIT 155: Week1B - Media Platforms For Business

Hello again friends,

You know, there is such a vast variety of social media platforms, and essentially they are all geared towards personal use, but can be utilized for any circumstance, if desired. The use of a social media platform is as unique as the user, despite the intentions of the creators. For example: Facebook was designed to enhance communication and connections between people – it was a place for friends to gather and chat for a while, share photos and experiences. It has become an animal all of its own, and has been used for countless other reasons; but, despite whatever those reasons may be, the ultimate desire of users is: reach the largest audience possible and gain the approval of said audience. 

There are platforms that seem to have been originally designed for personal, even private use, such as Flikr (limited cloud space specifically intended for photos / videos), and the nearly full-spectrum opposite, with the widely used Instagram, or Snapchat (unlimited posts, unlimited friends, unlimited inhibitions). Others include: Everyme, 23Snaps, Notabli, Next Door, and Yammer, all designed for a more private interaction on a social network, with limited audiences.

In the world of business, especially online, the larger the audience, the better, so engaging with highly populated, active media platforms is key to reaching the most people possible. Using a more private social media platform for a business may be good to conduct meetings between employees, toss around ideas in the “workplace” or get opinions of a limited group of people (similar to a control group) for research or interest gauging, but will likely prove unsuccessful in making sales or advertising products or services.



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