Monday, November 21, 2016

CSIT 155: Week11B - Using Other Social Media Tools

Hello again Friends and Fellow Bloggers!

Again, a quick reminder of my STUFF: 

This week has certainly added on to the enormous list of responsibilities that have come with this course, and little did I know I would feel as overwhelmed as I do when signing up! Wow! So, atop the scheduling, planning and maintenance of the other social media platforms for Kelso Stockwood and Sharon’s Cozy Pets, we have now added a business account to the infamous Yelp! and, of course, the respectable LinkedIn (which, to be honest, I never considered before). 

Also, interestingly enough, Kelso Stockwood has an enormous collection of contacts (through either questions or sales on platforms like Amazon and Etsy, and through his website) and I realized, when I uploaded his contacts from his email, that I could be using these same folks to send a Constant Contact annual email out, to keep customers and potential customers up-to-date with the social media platforms we use. Amazing!  

(ANOTHER win for this class – SO glad I took it!!) (Also, on a side note, I think I need to change our company logo, because after all this time of using it everywhere – I’m really starting to hate it. Plus, with feedback I received from Professor Faulk, I realized many people cannot recognize it for what it is, and can misinterpret it completely. This is bad for business, the problem is, it's hard to change a logo after all these years.)
So, anyway, with these two platforms created, I have now introduced them to the world. The only current reviews are the ones I, my husband, my father and immediate family have submitted, but we hope to increase that over time. Perhaps I could mention it on one of the developed social media platforms – if that doesn’t sound too tacky.

Anyway, thank you for reading!



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