Monday, December 5, 2016

CSIT 155: Week13A - Advertising & Marketing

Hi again Friends and Fellow Bloggers,

Again, a quick reminder of my STUFF:

Okay, so I touched on this briefly in my last post, and can revisit it today in greater detail. Again, I want to mention, that basic “pay advertising” on social media sites, especially as a small business, will not bring the sales you’re interested in without some backbone. Your company needs branding, personalization, and interaction with people in real-time for any of this to truly be successful. Also, certain types of products and services do better on one social media platform than the next, and the only way to really determine this is with experimentation.

 Also, I would like to point out the incredible benefit of this class. Despite being a mountain of work and maintenance (if you have a real, existing business) the fantastic and helpful knowledge provided will certainly drive more attention and sales to your brand. Which brings me to branding. Regardless if advertising brings sales, or clicks on your site (especially if you have a very specific product/service), it can bring attention to your name. 

 When people remember who you are, and what kind of thing you provide to the community, they will be more likely to think of you when then opportunity presents itself. For example, my father sells a pet warmer – and that’s what I advertise to the public, yet not everyone has a pet, or an outdoor pet that would require such a device, but the odds of anyone knowing someone that has a pet in need of the pet warmer is absolute.  Advertising the warmer to everyone is exhausting, but a wise idea, because we will get the brand name out there, without being overwhelmed with sales by addressing such a large audience. I have done this on Google AdWords Express and Facebook Ads. Here's some stuff to look at:

 To be quite honest, I couldn’t have taken this class at a better time. I elected to take this course, not as part of a degree or certificate (although I could probably get a certificate when I was done with all my elected classes) but because I truly wanted to know more to benefit my father’s business. As his product is a seasonal product, which is currently in season, the information I have learned throughout this class has been immeasurably beneficial to me, and I will continue to use the information I have collected in this course for years to come.

Also, on a side note, despite my many attempts to create a Twitter ad of my personal preference, I have been getting denied for different syntax errors. Ha. Figures. If I do end up using a pay service to advertise through Twitter, I will be sure to include my efforts here. Otherwise, the organic advertising is currently working just fine. 

Thanks for reading!



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