Thursday, November 17, 2016

CSIT 115: Week11A - Using Other Social Media Tools

Hi again Friends and Fellow Bloggers!

Again, a quick reminder of my STUFF: 

There are many varieties of “Other Social Media Tools” my company uses, but only two from the provided list. As Google+ was a must for us, so was the addition to our location on Google Maps. We were unable to “just request” a location on Google Maps, however, and needed to be physically verified as a location by way of a code delivered by postal services, this process took about two weeks, if I remember correctly.

Also, I am not certain, but I believe one is unable to even request a map location without being Google+ member, so it goes without saying that we have an account there, too.

And, again, also, I didn't realize I had multiple accounts doing the same thing, so I started consolidating them to make one, fully functional account. I will continue to work on the “image folders” and “interests” as I lost quite a bit of data eliminating and consolidating, but I guess that’s the name of the game when getting organized. 

I will create a LinkedIn profile and a Yelp! account, but I'm not certain those particular services apply to our company, as we only sell one, seasonal product.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post!



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