Monday, November 14, 2016

CSIT 155: Week10B - Email Marketing

Hi again Friends and Fellow Bloggers,

I was requested to develop and send a marketing email through the company “Constant Contact”, which is easy to use and full of great templates to get any small business started in the department of email contact.
I developed a marketing flyer, complete with information about the business and the contact necessary to purchase our product, I thoroughly enjoyed the process and will likely be using it again in the future.

If you haven’t tried it yet, you should certainly do so. Upon sending the message I was directed to a dashboard that follows the analytics of that message, giving me the opportunity to monitor who receives, opens, and follows the links provided in my letter. A super program, which I may consider purchasing for our business in the future – if I can develop some interesting content.

**Also, I should mention: almost immediately after setting up this account, I had a representative from Constant Contact call the numbers I provided to see if I needed any further assistance.**

Thanks for reading!



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