Monday, October 17, 2016

CSIT 155: Week6B - Intro to Facebook Strategy

Hi again Friends and Fellow Bloggers!

Believe it or not, I frequent my father’s business page every day while his product is in season, and once every three days when it is not. We are currently “in season”.  It is actually my intention to visit every day and post something, to keep viewers engaged, and the more people see or hear my father’s business name or brand, the better. I’m often disappointed with the audience reaction, however, and I fear that is because I am providing boring content – for every 200-400 people that see my posts, I receive somewhere in the range of 6-10 “likes”, so obviously it’s something I’m doing.  When I am concerned if I will be available to make a post, I utilize the “Schedule Post” function, although I haven’t used it in a while. For the requirements of this post, I have scheduled three posts for the future, here’s a little screen shot:

I actually used my father’s business persona, Kelso Stockwood, to perform this action, which is the way I am able to differentiate between posts I have physically entered, and those I have scheduled, as this information is available to the page administrators.
The benefit of scheduling posts is: we are capable of monitoring facebook and seeing what audiences are most active when – that way we can pick and choose the most beneficial times to post, regardless of whether it fits into our personal schedules. Of course, this type of activity requires some research, which can take some time, and it is important to remember: weekdays, weekends and holidays change the patterns outside that of an “average day”.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post!



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